Tyne Harrows

Tyne Harrows

“Tilth grows seed. This is what we’re all about at Taeges”
“Our flexible tyne and Tungsten faced tips giving you excellent penetration”

Our live Taege tyne harrows give you the ability to gather any available tilth on the land and windrow back into trenches.

Watch Tyne Harrow videos below:


Giving the desired amount of seed covering by:

  • Our harrows operate like mini grader blades, wipe to the right and then wipe to the left.
  • Our front tynes work harder due to their 3 coils, which clod bash and level out the surface, allowing the rear 2 coils to fine and finish.
  • Great contour following is achieved by center pivots on each harrow span.
  • Fully adjustable DOWNWARD pressure on the harrows through the attachment of springs.
  • Springs ON for direct drilling, springs OFF for worked ground.
  • Fully adjustable for wear and depth control.
  • Great leveling out and breaking up clods.
  • Taege tyne harrows are unique that when the parent machine lifts, the harrows lift, giving you the ability to back into corners, troughs and posts or if you get stuck on a hill – just simply lift the machine and back-up without running over the harrows.
  • Can be made in any width or length to order.